We've built the basics of our event in Sparrow, now let's add some additional information!
Go to the Event Details page. From the homepage, click Events in the navigation. In the search bar type "My Sparrow Test Event" and click on the card that appears in the search results.
Turn on Edit Mode to edit simple information. Click the Edit button in the top right corner to enter Edit Mode. Enter the information below. Click the Tickets tab and enter: Type of Event: In House Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/my-sparrow-test-event-tickets-419369034037 Click the Marketing tab and enter: Facebook event: https://facebook.com/events/my-sparrow-test-event/ Similar artists: Kenny Chesney, Zac Brown Band, Don Henley Marketing notes: Dark ad copy: "Hey there! Catch me coming to your town soon. I can't wait to see you. Tickets are on sale now!" Click the Expenses tab and enter: Projected attendance: 4,750 Click the Save button in the top right corner to save the information.
Edit more detailed information. Use the + Add New buttons next to detailed sections to add additional information: Click the Tickets tab, scroll to "Ticket Types", click the + Add New button and enter: Type: Advance Price: $45 Click the Save button. Next click the Marketing tab, scroll to "Contacts", click the + Add New button and enter: Contact: Mike Mauer Click the Save button. Next, click the Expense tab, scroll to "Spends", click the + Add New button and enter: Category: Other Show Expense Type: Other Company: Sparrow Cost: $500 Paid Date: choose the current day Click the Save button. Finally, click the Tasks tab, click the + Add New button, and enter: Name: My First Task Category: Other Assigned to: choose yourself Due date: 11/01/2023 Click the Save button.
Amazing! In just a few steps, you have built an event in Sparrow, added key details about the show, and assigned your first task. Next, let's use some automations to complete more details.
Last updated